Benefits administration: What it means and why it matters
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Benefits administration: What it means and why it matters

Every business would love to offer its employees an incredible suite of benefits, but finding and managing health insurance options, retirement plans, and other offerings – all while staying within budget – is no easy task. There’s a reason so many organizations develop or seek out the expertise necessary for effective benefits administration, though. Compelling…

Employee Retention: An Expert Guide on Retaining Your Best Talent
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Employee Retention: An Expert Guide on Retaining Your Best Talent

You’ve built a strong team and your business is humming along beautifully, but there’s one recurring problem. Just when your team develops an invaluable synergy, someone leaves. Whether they are chasing a bigger paycheck or a more competitive benefits package, having someone go after you’ve invested time, money, and energy into them can be frustrating….

How to Attract New Employees: 12 Proven Strategies to Hire Top Talent
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How to Attract New Employees: 12 Proven Strategies to Hire Top Talent

According to the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), the state currently enjoys an unemployment rate of 2.9%, even lower than the national unemployment rate of 3.9% reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. That is excellent news for job seekers, who face less competition when applying for available positions….