A  G U I D E  F O R  H A W A I I   E M P L O Y E R S:

How to Make Hybrid & Remote Working...Work for Hawaii

This digital guide is jam-packed with advice for Hawaii employers who have remote or hybrid teams. Get tips, tools, and lots of bonus resources. 

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Take a closer look!

How does an employee's generation, career experience, tenure with company, and leadership responsibilities affect their experience of remote & hybrid workplaces? We answer this question and more! 

What's included?

01. The Rise of the Employee Experience (EX) | What it is, how employee experience differs from employee engagement, and why you should care.

02. Four Key Factors that Affect EX | How generation, career experience, org tenure, and leadership responsibilities affect EX in remote & hybrid workplaces.

03. Reimagining Employee Onboarding for Remote & Hybrid Work | Tips for what to do before their first day to 30-60-90 day plans, the buddy system approach, and more!

04. Your Role in Doing Hybrid Well | Communication, collaboration, and culture advice to help employees flourish.

05. 10 Tips for Managing Remote & Hybrid Teams | Top tips we’ve learned from talking with local businesses and implementing our hybrid policies at ProService Hawaii.

Bonus tools: Access free checklists, templates, on-demand webinars, and more!